Moving into Wholeness
Carol Verner,

Moving into Wholeness
Carol Verner,
A Center for Somatic Coaching and the Healing Arts in Chapel Hill, NC
Guiding Philosophy
Moving Into Wholeness is dedicated to the intrinsic wholeness, dignity and resourcefulness of all who come here.
Our work together awakens and mobilizes your natural self-regulating and self-healing capacities. Our resources range from quiet inquiry, active practices, and skilled touch to deep stillness and rest. Choose what serves you as support or as catalyst for your development, integration and healing.
Carol Verner
You are welcome to come for private instruction in Yoga for Osteoporosis. I also offer sessions via phone or Zoom:
- Biodynamic Sessions – effectively reduce pain and increase relaxation, the physiological foundation of our self-regulating and self-healing capacities.
- Somatic Coaching Sessions – this whole person approach develops embodied awareness for the sake of life-affirming and useful action.
- Yoga for Osteoporosis – rebuild bone with Dr. Loren Fishman’s research-based method that has proven to be safe and effective. Learn more
- TriYoga – this fluid style of moving is beautiful to experience and potent in its enlivening and strengthening effects. Enter the flow at your TriYoga level: Basics, Level 1, and Level 2 classes.
“This is phenomenal! When I got up to leave my room after this session, I had zero pain. I felt spacious and taller (my doorknob was lower than usual). I am so hopeful and excited to be re-introduced to resources I have within myself to journey on in this body. The silver lining in not being able to see you in your treatment room was that it was clearly me doing the work. I felt empowered by this to continue the work on my own. It will take time, I know, to integrate this more fully, but I want you to know how grateful I am.”
~ Diantha Rau
“Thanks for your comprehensive teaching and leading in the Yoga for Osteoporosis class. I am healthier because you help me understand what bone health is and how I can work with my bones, my body to experience my life more fully.”
~ Deborah Lynn
The heart of my work is to spark our awakening to our own bold, generous, and creative lives.
I am deeply grateful for Carol and her massages and coaching during two major life events .... I quickly realized I was in amazingly healing hands .... Carol is so intuitive and creative .... I had many medical professionals working with me, but Carol was the only one who could help me integrate and organize all of what I was learning and experiencing in a very spiritual, loving, and human way. Read more ...

Somatic Coaching
Our work together generates greater clarity for you to see and claim authentic direction in your life. Through the Somatic Coaching process I help you build skills to move effectively beyond old habits into a life that is vital, useful and satisfying.
Create life-affirming new outcomes. Your dedicated work uplifts the fabric of your life and the lives of others as you take inspired, purposeful action.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Stillness is a balm so needed when life becomes overwhelming. The touch of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is offered in the stillness of being. It is continuous with the unbounded field of life—intelligent and whole.
The beauty of stillness is quiet spaciousness. Many clients experience and value this as a felt sense of wholeness and deep reconnection with their true self. It opens portals of healing in our body, which are also portals of deep healing in our oft-troubled mind.

Yoga for Osteoporosis
I have been teaching yoga for 40 years. My focus now is the valuable and exciting practice of Yoga for Osteoporosis, based on the work of Loren Fishman, MD. You can study with me online privately or in small classes. I am certified through Dr. Fishman to teach you how to do this life-changing practice at home.